notice the simplest of childhood vexilloids the
bicycle handlebar streamers

Pee-Wee's Big Adventure came to life in 1985 and it features many kinds of vexilloids. Of vexillological note are the bicycle streamers of his beloved bicycle. Bicycle handlebar streamers are popular on children's bicycles, usually until the tween age.
Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985
notice the varied colours of the streamers

This film is essential cult classic for American male tweens in their first year of middle or junior high school. Paul Rubens plays as Pee-wee Herman, a grown up man who refuses to grow up. Pee-wee is something like Spongebob but more zany and without a side kick.
Close up of the bicycle vexilloid -
"handlebar streamers"

Close up of bicycle handle bar streams - usually made of plastic, string, or some kind of strong paper like material. They can vary in shape, number and color. Sometimes they are specific for gender - for instance pink is reserved as a bicycle streamer. Other times they can be patriotic - as is the case with a red, white and blue streamers.