Basil MySpace PhotoCube

Many Greetings Mon Amis

Today I thought it would be fun to have a little craft project, you know how it is when your human gets the paints out, or they are scrapbooking, card making, jewellery designing, well anything that involves making stuff.  I don't know about you but I like to be there, right up close and purrsonal, in the thick of things.  Helping of course, especially with the beads for the jewellery, they are great fun ~ my human begs to differ at this point.

Often my fur is more twinkly than a super starry night if my human is embellishing her one of her paintings with glitter and crystals (you can't beat getting on the canvas while it's still drying!)

So I was thinking after a particulary lazy afernoon in the windowsill basking in the warm sunshine: Why isn't my human making cute craft things of me? Hence this little project which is tres simples.

So here is a PhotoCube of Moi pour Vous!


Right Click the Image and save a copy to your Computer. Print it off on photopaper or card, cut me out ~ very carefully purrlease ~ and do a bit of folding (I didn't actually do this bit as my claws got in the way!) and there you have your very own photocube of Yours Truly!

This is what it looks like once it's cut out, then follow the folding instructions on the bottom of the sheet.

And here's one my human so kindly made earlier!

Basil Cubed or Basil³

I hope you enjoy making the PhotoCube and don't forget to leave me a comment, but only if you'd like too :) 

Bestest Meows and Purrs


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