At the Sealaska Heritage Institute Celebration 2012 in Juneau

Since arriving in Juneau Wednesday afternoon, I've been busy.  The Grand Entrance Parade started this morning at about 8:15, and lasted until almost 11:00 am.  Well over 3,000 participants from over 50 groups paraded slowly down the road between the state office building and the Centennial Center.

Here was the view from the 8th floor deck of the state office building, looking down on the head of the procession:

Each group has its own unique approach toward ceremonial regalia:

This organization is from Kodiak:

One by one, they sang, drummed and danced as they slowly moved by:

And slowly they all gathered in the main hall of the Centennial Center, until the sounds of drumming and singing were almost deafening in their celebration, pride and power:

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