UNGE: Denne kvinnen var bare 19 år gammel da Anders Behring Breivik bestilte kontaktinformasjon om henne i 2005.
Dette var Breiviks hånd- plukkede konekandidater - nyheter ...

Anders Breivik took an interest in a number of girls from Belarus, including 'Natascha', who now lives in the USA, home to the CIA.

Several of Breivik's friends met "Natascha" when she was on a visit to Oslo in the spring of 2005.


Website for this image

Shakil Afridi is the Pakistan doctor who reportedly helped the CIA with its adventure in Abottabad, during which Navy Seals pretended to capture bin Laden.

The Pakistan authorities have now given Shakil Afridi a prison sentence for being part of a terrorist group called Lashkar-e-Islam, led by Mangal Bagh. (Pakistan doctor guilty of militancy, not CIA links)

The Lashkar-e-Islam, led by warlord Mangal Bagh, specialises in kidnapping wealthy people, rivals and government officials from the Khyber agency, Peshawar and other districts in Pakistan. ( Express Tribune )

Some people might wonder if Lashkar-e-Islam works for the CIA.

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar (L) and Israel Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi of Israel.

Reportedly, the Saudis are trying to topple the ruler of Qatar.


On 28 May 2012, in Qatar, a fire at Doha's Villagio mall killed 19 foreigners, including 13 children, four teachers, and the two firemen. (Qatar: Toddlers huddled with firefighters‎)

Firefighters in Qatar told how they tried to rescue 13 children trapped by the blaze in a mall nursery.

By the time they reached the toddlers, most were dead, huddled in the arms of two fellow firemen who perished during the rescue attempt.

Under suspicion: Cyber experts say the Flame super-virus is so complex it could only have been made in the U.S. and point the finger at the highly secretive National Security Agency (above)

NATO's death squads responsible for Houla massacre: Analyst

'UN report on Houla massacre? But they only talk to Syrian opposition, by phone.

Honduras : ruta Lenca, Gratias #25
Honduras by  foto_morgana

Violence-Wracked Honduras
Steve Lendman at SteveLendmanBlog

Leveson Inquiry: Blair Iraq And JP Morgan Bank.
SteelMagnolia at MURDOCH

In Bad Company: Mexico Arrests Three Army Generals, U.S. War for Drugs Continues
Antifascist at Antifascist Calling...

Video Of DEA Agents Making Drug Deal With Mexican Army
retank at RETANK

Undercover DEA Agent, Mike Levine, exposes Mexican Drug War Fraud with Bill O’Reilly on Inside Edition. Real undercover video footage. This was the undercover sting operation whose cover was blown by the the US Attorney General; as covered in NY Times Best-seller “DEEP COVER.” ON camera is Colonel Jaime Carranza, grandson of Mexican President who wrote the Mexican Constitution and a bodyguard for the then incoming president Carlos Salinas de Gortari

Sells MLK Day Crew.
The National Society for American Indian Elderly

America's Shame: Forgotten Warriors on Memorial Day

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