Theban Mapping Project Library - Luxor

Dr Kent Weeks talked about the new library he has founded in Luxor. 

The Theban Mapping Project Library is open every day 3-8 and everyone and anyone is welcome to use it. 

Aimed at local Luxor people 3- 80+ who want to study or learn or just enjoy a book. 

Kent very much hopes that local women will use it and has a number of Arabic books on childcare, pregnancy and nutrition.

He is particularly proud of the Egyptology and site maps given by the Getty Institute and World Heritage Fund.

He hopes that tour guides and trainee tour guides will use it to develop their knowledge but also Egyptologists needing reference material. There will be access to Jstore, the only one outside Cairo.

Here is a video of Kent giving us a guided tour.

So far they are already getting local schools visiting, local women, members of ARCE and even tourists. There is plenty of seating area both inside and out.


It is located on the West Bank, Luxor just before the main cross roads coming from the ferry. It is down the narrow lane that runs south, parallel with the main road, to the bridge. It is clearly marked with a sign and the building is green with mashrebeya windows.

It the ground floor of the Arabesque House, part of Kent kindly gives us a plug in the video. Access is across the canal, on a small bridge. There is a ground floor seating area as well as tables and chairs inside.


Ahmed Hassan, Kent’s right hand man in Luxor is in charge and can be contacted for any details. You can send me a message and I will pass on his phone number. Please especially tell any Egyptians you know.

If you would like to make a donation of money or books for this worthwhile project contact Dr Weeks  either through me or the Theban Mapping Project website


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