Each month we donate a portion of each sale to a family or foundation. This month we want to share with you about a sweet little girl named Lily. Lily was born with several congenital defects and at just six days old she had her first major open heart surgery – a top tier level heart surgery consisting of several procedures. She is now 2 years old and in that time has spent 21 months of that in the hospital. She’s undergone about 25 different surgeries, struggled through many viruses and infections, continues to produce puzzling medical conditions – and – through it all, she continues to fight off the medical problems – continues to smile – continues to show motivation and desire to learn, and proves her strength and spirit time and time again. You can read her full story by clicking here. One of our amazing customers Kris, shared her story with us and my heart completely broke as I read what this amazing little girl has had to endure and what her family has been through. Right now she is suffering from a very bad infection and she has practically no immune system to fight it off. Please keep her and her precious family in your prayers. To learn more about this darling girl and CHARGE syndrome please visit her website, the Lily Voelkel Foundation.
And here are a few photos of the beautiful Voelkel Family taken by the talented Kris of Echo Lake Photography.
These first two shots were taken in the PICU! Can you believe that?
We hope you all have a blessed Sunday and that you will keep sweet little Lily in your prayers!