In the above video, Beth Galvin of Fox Atlanta news reports on a new program called “Museum Moments,” started by Emory medical student Emily Lu. The program uses art as a bridge to help people like Cecile Bazaz, who has early onset Alzheimer’s disease, reconnect with the world around her.
“I’m bored out of my mind,” says Bazaz, 53. Museum Moments gives Bazaz something special to look forward to, since her condition has forced her to give up a high-powered job and lose much of her independence.
Guides at Emory’s Michael C. Carlos Museum are specially trained to engage people who are suffering from memory loss by asking them questions, rather than just lecturing.
“It’s called Museum Moments because we hope we give you a moment to be yourself again, just be an individual looking at art, where there are no wrong answers,” Lu explains.
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» The art of enriching lives hit by Alzheimer's