Stacking the Shelves (May 13, 2012)

Tynga of Tynga's Reviews is starting a new meme to spotlight the books we receive each week. She explains at her site. 

I guarantee that your TBR pile will grow when you see all the wonderful books everyone gets. You will also discover lots of great blogs and lots of books that you won't be able to live without.

I got five books this week and, apparently, it was a week for romance or romantic suspense. I got:

Sweet Spot by Kate Angell. I like her romances especially the ones that feature romances with professional athletes.

Quinn by Iris Johansen is the second book in her Eve Trilogy. I have Eve and wanted all three books now that they were available in paperback. I also took advantage of an Amazon 4-for-3 deal which I love (even though I really only needed 3 books).
Bonnie by Iris Johansen completes the Eve Trilogy and was part of my 4-for-3 deal.

Twisted by Laura Griffin was the fourth book I chose. I really don't know anything about the story or the author but the cover was interesting and the blurb sounded good.
I received Linda Lael Miller's Big Sky Country this week for a blog tour. This book will be released on May 29. My posting date for this one is June 6. I like Miller's romances and look forward to reading this one.

Those were the books that came to my house this week. What came to yours?

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