In A Galaxy Far Far Away - More on Samsung v Apple

This kat was saying just the other day that electronic subject matter is not really his thing, unless the IP right in question is a registered design.  So imagine his excitement at finding the case of Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited and Anr v Apple Inc listed for Monday 21 May 2012.

Not really made for cats...
It actually won't be in a galaxy far far away, but will be at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, before the Master of the Rolls, Lord Justice Lloyd and Lord Justice Moore-Bick, and concerns an appeal from the decision of Mr Justice Mann reported by this Kat here, concerning the Samsung Galaxy tablet computer and Apple's registered community design 000181607-0001.

More details than this don't appear to be available.  But the IPKat can't wait to get his feline fangs into another juicy registered design decision.  This particular kat will be travelling in the orient next week, but will be checking the usual sources for information to share with his dear readers.  But if any reader attends the hearing, then the IPKat would love to hear what happens.

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