The people of Houla were murdered because they would not join the fight against Assad.

What really happened at Houla?

Anna News has spoken with residents who witnessed the 'Houla massacre'.

They say that the Houla people had a good relationship with the Syrian soldiers; they even divide food and water with the Syrian soldiers.

The terrorists came from Ar-Rastan or Hama and told the residents that they either have to kill Syrian soldiers or be killed.

The pharmacy (hospital) in the village was set on fire by the terrorists because Syrian soldiers were treated there.

Syria: What really happened in al-Hula, Homs - SyriaNews

Residents of Houla explain that they were attacked by anti-Assad terrorists because they support Assad.

Does this sound fake?

Houla massacre survivor tells how his family were slaughtered

Martin Chulov of the spooky Guardian reports that a Syrian boy, 11, says he played dead to escape 'pro-Assad gunmen' who killed five members of his family in Houla.

We are reminded of  "Nurse Nayirah" who alleged that she had witnessed the murder of infant children by Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait, in testimony to the U.S. Congress, in the run up to the 1991 Gulf War.

The public relations firm Hill & Knowlton arranged the testimony. 

It turned out that Nayirah was fake.

Her father was the Kuwaiti ambassador to the USA; he is sitting right next to her during the hearing but he pretends not to know her.

In Syria, the 11-year old boy told the Guardian:

"They came in armoured vehicles and there were some tanks.

"They shot five bullets through the door of our house. They said they wanted Aref and Shawki, my father and my brother. They then asked about my uncle, Abu Haidar. They also knew his name."

"My mum yelled at them.

"She asked: 'What do you want from my husband and son?' A bald man with a beard shot her with a machine gun from the neck down. Then they killed my sister, Rasha, with the same gun. She was five years old. Then they shot my brother Nader in the head and in the back. I saw his soul leave his body in front of me.

"They shot at me, but the bullet passed me and I wasn't hit. I was shaking so much I thought they would notice me. I put blood on my face to make them think I'm dead."

Mis-captioned photo on BBC website

 BBC News uses 'Iraq photo to illustrate Syrian massacre'

The Guardian contacted the boy through a town elder who is a member of the Syrian Revolutionary Council and is now caring for him. We are unable to independently verify the account and have chosen not to name the boy for security reasons.

Throughout a 15-minute conversation, the boy remained calm and detached until he was pressed on how he knew the gunmen were pro-regime militia men, known as al-Shabiha.

"They got out of tanks and they had guns and knives," he repeated. "Some of them were wearing civilian clothes, some army clothes.

"Why are you asking me who they were? I know who they were. We all know it. They were the regime army and people who fight with them. That is true."

Pictured is "Gay Girl in Damascus", a 40 year-old American man living in the UK. The Western media shamelessly exploited his narrative until it unraveled, and simply moved on to other actors, like "Danny" who directs fake gunfire off-camera while giving casualty reports to CNN. -

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