A few weeks ago, I decided to do a small DXPedition in the last weekend of May with my friend and colleague - Ivo Ivanov. During the two days, we stayed in Patreshko Village, 650 meters altitude, far away from any local QRM. Despite the bad weather, the conditions during the DXPedition were pretty good, we received half a dozen of stations from Brazil, as well as many US Christian broacasters, the Sackville relays of KBS World Radio, Vatican Radio, Radio Marti via Greenville, CBC Nord Quebec, CVC International via Chile and many other. Audible on peaks were the ABC Australia Regional stations on 120 and 60 metres. Plenty of pirates were broadcasting from time to time on 48, 43 and 19 metres. Radio Habana Cuba Spanish and English broadcasts had excellent signal strength and quality on all the frequencies on 60, 49, 31, 25 and 19 metres band. The battles between the Cuban jammers and Radio Marti and Radio Republica were also interesting. The equipment used was:
Receiver: Sony ICF-2010D
Antennas: beverage antennas
- 50 meters beaming East/West
- 50 meters beaming South-South East/North-North West
Here is a log of the most interesting stations, we received during the two days: