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» Coronation Street episode review, May 312012
Coronation Street episode review, May 312012
Tyrone was on form tonight wit-wise with Weatherfield in vroom, as opposed to Weatherfield in bloom, confessing himself to be more a car man than a flower man. After his wit comes wisdom as he tells the highly competitive Norris that it's the taking part that matters, not the winning. Norris rebuffs this notion with a strong 'nonsense' which is at least honest, if not attractive.
We're in the metaphor business with Eileen and Paul as their relationship is described as clear blue skies and sunshine and Paul talks of being in it for the long haul. Maybe venomous Yvonne will return to produce cloudy skies and reduce the long haul to a ten minute flight. Sean chimes in .with his own metaphor as he points out that Paul has taken Eileen to hell and back. And that's not all as Gail pipes up with an attempt to clear her name of sabotaging the flower competition and says she wants to nip such accusations in the bud.
Further amusement on the Street tonight involved Hayley and Anna discussing Karen Carpenter and Dolly Parton. Roy's naivety is so sweet and innocent. When he asks if Dolly has any distinguishing features Anna and Hayley share a moment with each other and with the viewers.
Carla's sacking of Eileen was a little harsh, even though she has promised to wheedle out the slackers after 'grovelling and slashing her margins.' Talking of business, if Faye was genuinely trying to help Anna by selling the Weatherfield blooms, it might be possible to understand and forgive her.
Just a final word about Kirsty. What is going on? Why is she being so reasonable and calm? Nice for Tyrone but not so interesting for us. Maybe something is brewing...
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