On 22 May 2012, CNN asks: did someone else bomb Pan Am 103?
CNN's Nic Robertson says about the Lockerbie case: "There are forensic inconsistencies.
"There are so many holes in the evidence. There are serious questions that have not been answered.
"According to my Jordanian source, the Jordanians had an agent inside the cell that operated inside Germany. The agent was the bomb maker.
"He made five bombs to go in transistor radios but informed his handlers that one was missing.
"The CIA said 'nonsense, all bombs are accounted for.' Scottish investigators were never able to interview that cell."

TV producer and author John Ashton believes that al Megrahi is innocent and gives his reasons in his book Megrahi: You are my jury - the Lockerbie evidence.
NOW, why are CNN and John Ashton being allowed to challenge the Lockerbie verdict?
It is because neither is going to name the real culprit.
Both are likely to switch the blame from Libya (now our friend) to Iran and the Palestinians (now our enemy)
Ashton claims that Iran is the likely suspect and that they used The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) to carry out the attack.
There is a problem here.
The Ayatollahs were put into power by the CIA.
And the PFLP-GC was run by the CIA and its friends.

Lockerbie is about heroin.
More than one group was involved in smuggling heroin out of Lebanon and into the USA using PanAm flights.
Reportedly, these groups included:
A. The group working for Syrian Monzer al Kassar, a CIA asset with reported links to Oliver North and Mohammed Atta. (Monzer al-Kassar - Wikipedia / Madcow Morning News.)
B. Members of the PFLP-GC (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command) which had links to Monzer al Kassar, the CIA asset.
The PFLP-GC bomb-maker Marwan Khreesat was a Jordanian intelligence service (GID) agent with links to the CIA. (Pan Am Flight 103.)
C. The CIA unit known as Corea, which worked with Monzer al Kassar. (Franklin, Dutroux, Mossad, McKee)
According to Lester Coleman, formerly an agent of the US government:
"Members of the Jafaar clan and other DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) couriers would arrive at Larnaca (Cyprus) with suitcases full of high- grade heroin, white and crystal, and be met off the boat from the Christian-controlled port of Jounieh (Lebanon) by officers of the Cypriot Police Narcotics Squad, who then drove them up to the Eurame office in Nicosia...
"After that, the Cypriot police would take them out to the airport and put them on flights to Frankfurt, where the bag-switch routine used by 'legitimate' smugglers was employed to bypass the airport's security arrangements and load the 'dirty' suitcases on to trans-Atlantic flights." (Trail of the Octopus.)

Immediately after the Lockerbie Bombing, a quantity of heroin was found on Lockerbie golf course and a suitcase full of heroin was discovered by a farmer a couple of miles to the east. (The Lockerbie trial: a top-level cover-up? The Guardian)

Major Charles McKee, of the Defence Intelligence Agency in Beirut, uncovered Al-Kassar's CIA connection.
McKee and his team gathered evidence of the CIA drug smuggling.
A key member of the team was Matthew Gannon, 34, the CIA's deputy station chief in Beirut.
McKee and Gannon expressed their anger about al-Kassar to the CIA HQ in Langley in the USA, but they got no response.

Gannon's father-in-law Thomas Twetten was then chief of Middle East operations based in Langley.
He was also Oliver North's CIA contact.
McKee, Gannon and three other members of the team decided to fly back to CIA HQ and expose the COREA unit's deal with al- Kassar.
They booked seats on Pan Am 103.
In his book, Lockerbie: The Tragedy of Flight 103, Scottish radio reporter David Johnston described how CIA agents helicoptered into Lockerbie shortly after the crash.
They were looking for McKee's suitcase.

On 21 August 2010, The Herald (UK) asks on its front page: "Why was terrorist Talb cleared over Lockerbie?"
According to The Herald:
Evidence not heard at the Lockerbie trial has revealed that the CIA thought Mohammed Abu Talb, an Egyptian, was the man responsible for the Lockerbie bombing.
In May 1989, Abu Talb was arrested in connection with the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.
Abu Talb was at one time imprisoned in Sweden.
Abu Talb was named by Dumfries and Galloway Police as their chief suspect less than a year after the bombing.
Former UK Labour MP Tam Dalyell and Edinburgh law professor Robert Black "have long believed Abu Nidal, who died in Iraq in 2002, and his PFLP-GC, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command, were responsible for co-ordinating the bomb that blew up Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie on 21 December, 1988 with the loss of 270 lives."
Dalyell and Black have urged the Scottish and UK governments to answer reports that Abu Nidal was a US agent. (Was Lockerbie suspect working for US? - Scotsman.com News ) (Abu Nidal - Mossad terrorist) (Abu Nidal, notorious Palestinian mercenary, 'was a US spy')
(Talb was a member of the Syria-based Palestinian Popular Struggle Front, which worked closely with the PFLP-GC)
It is widely believed that men working for Ahmed Jibril, leader of the PFLP-GC, got the bomb on to flight 103.
Jibril had links to CIA asset Monzer al Kassar.
Reportedly Mossad had helped a group within the CIA to set up Operation Corea, which involved the export of heroin from Lebanon into the USA.
Reportedly, US intelligence officers Matthew Gannon and Maj. Charles McKee had found out about Corea, and were on their way to the USA to act as whistleblowers.
They were on Pan Am 103. (Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103: Facts.)

1. In the Lockerbie case, all the evidence against Megrahi has apparently been shown to be fake. (LOCKERBIE BOMBING EVIDENCE 'PLANTED' - Mail on Sunday 21 December 2008)
There is a growing belief that the CIA used its own agents to bring down PanAm 103.
The chief suspects, including Khaisar Haddad and Abu Nidal of the PFLP-GC, reportedly worked for the CIA. Ahmed Jibril of the PFLP-GC had links to CIA-asset and drugs dealer Monzer al-Kassar.
(Was Lockerbie suspect working for US? - Scotsman.com News /Reportedly, Khaisar Haddad, known as Abu Elias, was an agent of the US government and carried out the Lockerbie Bombing.)

2. The evidence against Iran would appear to be totally fake Mossad disinformation.
Ahmed Jibril, of the PFLP-GC, is alleged to have received $11 million from Iran. (Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103: Facts.)
However, a banking audit trail to confirm the payment has never been presented. (disinformation about Iran?)
In 1986 there was a bomb in a Berlin disco.
Victor Ostrovsky, former Mossad agent, testified that Mossad set up a transmitter in Tripoli to generate a false signal about the "success" of the Berlin disco bomb and thus falsely implicate Libya. (MORE EVIDENCE ON LOCKERBIE APPEARS TO IMPLICATE THE CIA)
Mossad wanted the Berlin disco bomb to be blamed on Libya rather than the CIA and Mossad.
PFLP-GC, part of the left-wing, secular Palestinian national liberation movement, was supposed to have been used by Iran.
However, it is unlikely that Iran would use "a secular, even Marxist, Arab nationalist" member of a Palestinian cell to attack the USA. - MORE EVIDENCE ON LOCKERBIE APPEARS TO IMPLICATE THE CIA

4. Reportedly, Khaisar Haddad, known as Abu Elias, was an agent of the US government and helped carry out the Lockerbie Bombing.
5. Lockerbie is linked to 9 11

Reportedly, the CIA, with the help of Monzer al Kassar, was smuggling heroin from Lebanon into the USA. (BBC News WORLD Lockerbie: Conspiracy theories)
Reportedly, profits from Lebanese heroin were used by the CIA to help finance 9 11.
Reportedly, Mohamed Atta flew heroin for the CIA into Florida.

From an article entitled Robert Gates, Lockerbie, October Surprise, Iran-Contra, we learn of the following allegation:
Reportedly, al Kassar would have known about Mohamed Atta 'flying Lebanese heroin into Florida for Porter Goss's 911 operation'.
Reportedly, tied to Porter Goss' 911 training operation in Florida were the Muslim Brotherhood, and agents of the intelligence agencies of Saudi Arabia, Germany, Syria and Pakistan.

On 20 November 2008, Monzer Al Kassar, following a three-week jury trial in Manhattan federal court, was found guilty of:
conspiracy to murder U.S. nationals, conspiracy to murder U.S. officers and employees, conspiracy to acquire and export anti-aircraft missiles, conspiracy to provide material support and resources to the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), a designated foreign terrorist organization, and money laundering. (International Arms Dealer and Cohort Convicted on Terrorism Offenses)
Reportedly, since the early 1970s, Al Kassar was a source of weapons and military equipment for groups engaged in violent conflicts around the world.
Some of those groups included the Palestinian Liberation Front (PLF).
Reportedly, Al Kassar developed an international network of criminal associates, as well as front companies and bank accounts in various countries, including the United Kingdom, Spain, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania.

Monzer al-Kassar, born in Syria in 1945, was known as the "Prince of Marbella."
Kassar is married to a sister of Ali Issa Dubah, a former chief of Syrian intelligence, and a close associate of Rifat Assad, the brother of Syria's former President Hafez Assad.
Kassar is said to have been a CIA asset, involved with Colonel Oliver North and General Richard Secord. ('Confession of an Iranian Terror Czar')
Reportedly, Rifat Assad, 'the Syrian boss of the Lebanese heroin industry', and Monzer al-Kassar took over Lebanon's Bekaa Valley in 1975 with the help of the Syrian Army.
Allegedly, heroin was transported from the Bekaa Valley to the USA on PanAm flights with the help of Kassar and elements of the CIA. (If Not Megrahi Then Who Is Really Responsible (from The Herald ))
Kassar has been linked to the Lockerbie Bombing.
On board Pan Am 103, on 21 December 1988, were Major Charles McKee, of the the US Defence Intelligence Agency in Beirut, and Matthew Gannon, CIA Deputy Station Chief in Beirut.
McKie and his team had reportedly discovered evidence that a 'rogue' CIA unit called COREA, was involved in the drugs business with Monzar Al-Kassar. (Part XIX(D): AN IRAN-CONTRA/AL QAEDA READER, cont'd)
Reportedly Al-Kassar 'was part of the secret network run by US Lt. Colonel Oliver North.'
Outraged that COREA was doing business with a Syrian 'who made money from drugs, arms and terrorism', the McKee team reportedly 'decided to fly to CIA HQ in Virginia to expose COREA'.
They flew on Pan Am flight 103 which came down over Lockerbie.
It has been alleged that Kassar has received regular CIA money deposited to his credit at the Katherein Bank, Vienna (A/c No. 50307495) and at the Swiss Bank Corporation in Geneva (A/c No. 510230C-86). ('Confession of an Iranian Terror Czar')
Kassar is said to be a very major arms and drugs smuggler.
In 1987, investigations into the Iran-Contra scandalfound that al-Kassar had been paid 1.5 million pounds by someone in the U.S. government to sell arms to Nicaraguan Contras. (Monzer al-Kassar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
In 1992, al-Kassar made arms sales in the millions of dollars to Croatia, Bosnia and Somalia, violating United Nations arms embargoes to all three countries.
According to the US Drugs Enforcement Agency, Al-Kassar once imported 20 % of the heroin that came into the United States. (FTR-109 Monzer Al-Kassar & Co)
In 1992, the Spanish government arrested Kassar for his alleged involvement in the Achille Lauro hijacking. In 1995, and he was found not guilty on all charges.
In July 2006, the government of Iraq placed Kassar at number 26 on their "most wanted" list, calling him one of the main suppliers for the Iraqi insurgents.
On 8 June 2007, the DEA (US Drug Enforcement Administration) announced the arrest in Spain of Monzer al Kassar. This was said to be linked to arms sales to rebels in Colombia.
Kassar was arrested just days before the Libyan convicted of the Lockerbie bombing was granted a second extraordinary appeal and 'just days after Blair went to Tripoli to negotiate a deal that would save him the embarrassment of a fresh appeal.' ('Confession of an Iranian Terror Czar') ~~