
They climbed up the side of the house, removed the vent under the eaves and entered the attic space over what I call our utility room, from there they tried to enter in through the ceiling , but must have been chased off by the bark of the dog.

My neighbor said he was a big guy, which given the method of entry seemed odd. 
 A few days later I caught sight of the suspect and he was huge, scary big.  He ran off though when I gave chase.  Lot of nerve trying to come back while we were home.

My wife was afraid that he would return and make another attempt, and sure enough he did, this time coming with an accomplice.  Their combined weight almost caused the ceiling to collapse, and once again the dog saved the day .

So this morning at 6:30 AM, I found myself in the basement looking for my pair and set of 8 ton bottle jacks.  I found them to the left of the radial arm saw, under the box of auto supplies.  I grabbed my cross cut saw (old style) cut a couple of 2 by 4s and returned to the scene, where I jacked up the ceiling and reattached same with some drywall screws. 

That should hold it, now for the real work--making sure that the damn raccoons are out of the attic space and ceiling up the vent.  To anyone who tells me they are cute, let me tell you they are cunning and evil and they know exactly what they are doing.  They are smart , but I am smarter.  They should know I am coming for them.  I will seal it up and keep them out forever.  They will be vanquished.

The  dog says it is even money.

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