X-Prize Foundation Names Four Finalist For "Why Do You Explore" Contest

Way back in February I posted information about a contest being hosted by the X-Prize Foundation that asked us "Why Do You Explore?" The contest encouraged us to enter by sending in a video that explained the roll that exploration and adventure play in our lives and why it is important. The deadline for entry was April 10th, which has now come and gone, and the four finalists have been announced on the contest website.

Amongst those finalists is our friend Alastair Humphreys, whose Atlantic rowing video I posted just last week. That excellent video has earned him a chance to win the X-Prize contest, which would award him a $10,000 National Geographic Expedition. The other entries are also very creative and interesting and include a 24-year old who loves to travel, a beautiful look at the midnight sun in Iceland and a great celebration of adventure travel and exploration in general.

All four are excellent and deserving of winning, so it is tough to pick a favorite. Each of them will inspire you to want to explore more as well, which is of course the point. Sit back and enjoy each of the short films and if you find one that you like in particular, be sure to watch it a couple of times to register your vote. :)

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