Women Will Now Be Permitted To Attend The U.S. Marines' Infantry School

Marine Cpl. Lakin Booker from the Female Examination Team sights in during a security halt in Marjah, Afghanistan. Female students will soon enroll at the Infantry Officers Course in Quantico, Va., for the first time. Lance Cpl. Christopher M. Carroll / Marine Corps

Women To Attend Marines' Infantry School -- CNN

The U.S. Marine Corps plans to allow a yet-undetermined number of female volunteers to enroll in the school that trains its infantry combat officers, the Marine Corps Times has reported.

The plan to open the Infantry Officers Course to women is part of the service's effort to determine which additional jobs may be open to women in the future, Gen. Joseph Dunford, the Marines' assistant commandant, told the Marine Corps Times.

"We are in the process right now of soliciting volunteers," Dunford told the Times for a story published Wednesday.

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More News On Women Being Permitted For The First Time To Attend Marines' Infantry School

USMC 4-star: Women to attend infantry school -- Marine Times
Marine Corps to Open Infantry Officer Course to Women -- Military.com
Marine Corps opens combat school in Quantico, Va. to women -- MSNBC
The Marines Are Enrolling Women In Infantry Officers School For The First Time Ever -- Business Insider
A Few Good Women: Marines Open Infantry to Females -- Danger Room
Marines open infantry training to women -- Government Executive
Women allowed at Marine Corps infantry school -- Examiner