Hello lovelies. : )
This week has been quite chilled - I haven't really done much except go to work, get soaked on dog walks & eat. I went for a walk with Honey & Pete on Friday & we got caught in the hail. It was so painful! I was wearing leggins & a hoodie & the pain on my legs was un-real. I ended up screaming & flapping around while Honey & Pete just stared at me like I was insane. : ) Stupid English weather.
I'm so excited about this coming weekend. It's Gemma's 21st, so she comes back from uni tomorrow, we're going shopping on Friday for new dresses (first time I will have been shopping properly since the start of Lent!) & then getting our hair done Saturday lunch time before heading out on the town in the evening. Can't actually wait. : )
Hope you're all having a good week. : )