Week 36: A Monkey Riding a Unicorn Eating a Kiwi

Well, crap! I was just complaining about what awful weather we're in for this weekend, thus ruining my awesome weekend plans of Disney World, the USF Spring Game, Cookouts, and the Fresh Market, that I decided to blog about my week to make me feel better. And now google went and changed the blog all around. Ugh. SO lame. I don't like it, google. It's all weird, and dumb, and stupid- just like my weekend getting ruined. BOOOOOOOO!! I have already not had the best of weeks, as my laptop charger has stopped doing it's one and only function I require out of it- and is no longer charging my laptop. Plus I lost my camera, and Calib broke Porkchop's bowl I painted for him. It is not a good week to be any of my possessions.

And, theres my complaining for the week. I promise to get much more cheery for the rest of the blog. *forces smile*

Friday was field day at school. It's basically like a mini run for fun, that I had when I was in grade school. Calib was put in charge of a team, which he was pretty excited about. He does seem to be getting slightly sad this is the last time he'll be doing fun things like field day, the spring fling, and otter splash. Only six and a half weeks left.

Saturday we had a play date day with Katie, Kevin, and Angela. We met them at five guys, which quickly got out of control with flying peanuts, and Hayden thinking karate chopping them was a thing. Then we went over to adventure island. I've been having a rough time with my allergies lately, so I really was in no mood to have water dumped all over me, or really do much of anything. Hayden still isn't into too many slides, so that's not so much an issue. I just stayed behind with him and everyone's stuff for most of the time. It was still better than laying in bed overdosing on Claratin whining about pollen and the likes.

Justin came over Saturday night for a game of Munchkin. Here's the problem with playing games with Justin: Asa has poisoned him against me. Now, I get it, I do win a lot of games. And yes, yes I am cut throat about them (But seriously if I don't build my settlements on the best spot possible how can I expect to win?) But I don't win ALL the time. So when Justin won Munchkin after Asa foolishly used his annihilation card on one of my ITEMS (Seriously, who uses Annihilation on a stupid item!?) out of pure spite, Justin ran away with the game. Now, I must admit, perhaps my husbands sore loser-ness is rubbing off on me. Nobody congratulated Justin, and he commented on how unfun it was to win. Welcome to my world, buddy. (Although to be fair, I'd still rather win and not be congratulated than lose).

Saturday night it's worth noting, Peyton had begged to stay up until 2 am for the exact 100th anniversary for the sinking of the Titanic. We had explained to him that it was earlier due to time zones. So, while he did check out the live tweeting as if it was the titanic sinking today, he seemed slightly less interested when he realized he didn't have a good reason to stay up until 2 am.

Sunday the boys had a friend over, and played rather loudly all day. I don't mind so much when it's just me and the four boys, but anything over that and I feel terribly outnumbered. Then there's just chaos, and loudness, and light sabers everywhere it seems. Then they went down to the park, which was a welcome change on the noise meter: but they came back all sweaty boys. It is starting to get a little hotter around here. Pretty soon it's going to be green-house like.

Sunday night we got a phone call about making sure the kids had a good breakfast, and got to school on time because Monday was the start of the dreaded FCAT (although they didn't use the word 'dreaded'). I overslept Monday morning though. In 25 minutes I got everything done and they were to school on time, because I'm just that awesome. Ugh, the FCAT. I think it's a pretty awful way to gauge how much a child has learned, I think it's even crappier teachers jobs/pay depend on it more than ever now. It stresses Peyton out every year. We tried to make it a very non-stressful week for him. I made him good breakfasts (Love my new waffle maker, btw), packed him lunch when he was particularly thrilled about what they were having, and made the evenings as fun as possible with board games, and movies, and video games.

Asa is working overnight on Saturday, and therefore took two half days this week. He was all done with work by 11, so we got to have two date days in a row. Unfortunately, I have no pictures from these days, as Wednesday I had my camera in the front pocket of my purse, and at some point it feel out and was gone forever. Please, a moment of silence for it. So sad.

I know were getting old because Tuesday we went to the meat market, and whole foods- and were thrilled without having kids whining about when we were going (they aren't so much whole foods fans). We did squeeze in a trip to Pin Chasers for a game of bowling. Who was aware they hand out socks for free? Asa said he's just going to collect bowling ally socks (I mean to be fair, they were pretty nice socks).  Bowling mid-day on a Tuesday if you're under the age of 75 is apparently unheard of. It was me and Asa, and four for sure senior citizens in the bowling ally. As for bowling, Swisks beat Alarm by 5 in a battle of the bumpers vs. mph. Thats all you need to know.

Wednesday we headed out to Ikea (geez, Ikea and whole foods in two days- if only I had hit costco too) to pick up some more glass bottles for Asa's awesome coffee station. We also came across some pretty awesome hats: a lion and a jester, and some cool puppets: an owl and a clown. I would have pictures, but well, we discussed that already. Get off my back, I feel bad enough about it. Throw in some Swedish meatballs, and that at least makes the pain a little bit less. Then we headed over to adventure island, which we also discovered is not in high demand mid-day on a weekday. We took a couple spins around the lazy river (which was actually pretty lazy sans ANY kids- not just ours), rode some water slides without waiting once, and swam around the cliff's pool without being splashed once, because there was only like two other people in it.

By Thursday the house was in disarray and I had to spend my afternoon cleaning it up, doing laundry, and getting things situated. I would just like to say, when the boys were asked if anyone wanted to be a stay at home mom for a day for 'take your child to work day', everyone refused. They said they didn't want to 'cook and clean all day'.  I suppose I should be grateful they don't think I just sit around all day, but I also don't cook and clean all day. So to show them, I have big plans to go enjoy the day next Thursday- so there. Asa's work finally approved it, so Peyton will be going with him. Calib has some mask he has to finish up in art, so he can't go at all.

That's it for the week. But, I have some added bonus's for you for the week.

Best drawing:
Hayden: "Mom, what should I draw?"
Me: "How bout.... A Monkey riding a Unicorn, eating a Kiwi"

Worst Mystery Solver:
Calib: "Where could that recorder be?"
Hayden: "It's a Mystery. Calib, where were on the night the recorder went missing?"
Calib: "No seriously Hayden."

Jealousy Alert:
Chris Kluwe, the coolest punter in the NFL, tweeted Asa. Totally unprompted. SO UNFAIR.

In Need of a Babysitter Alert:
November 11. Bucs vs. Chargers. Asa and I are there. As close to the field as we can possibly get.

Worst Self Defense:
Hayden. He got pushed down the slide by a girl less than half his size. He even has the battle scars to prove it: a bruise on his chin, and a messed up fingernail.

Worst Picture:
Hayden: "Is this a good picture mom?"
Me: "It's great Hayden"
Hayden: "Oh good, you can make it your Facebook picture then"

Sneak Peek Flashbacks:
And, in case your wondering why Hayden gets the most pictures, I rest my case.
Me: "Hey Peyton, can I get a picture"

Next Up: Crappy Weather (*sad face*), Field Trips,  Draft Day Parties, and Kids at Work (but not in a sweat shop kind of way)