Robert Mugabe Is Not On His 'Death Bed'

Robert Mugabe Back In Zimbabwe And 'Fit As A Fiddle' -- The Telegraph

President Robert Mugabe is back in Zimbabwe and "fit as a fiddle" despite reports that he had been on his deathbed during a trip to Singapore.

The 88 year-old is said by those watching his arrival to have "bounded" down the stairs of a charter plane that landed in Harare just after 7am on Thursday morning.

He walked unaided, side by side with Vice President Joice Mujuru down a red carpet to a waiting car, pausing only to hop over a puddle on the rainy tarmac and greet the assortment of ministers and military men who turned out to welcome him home.

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Previous Post: Zimbabwe's Mugabe On His Death Bed?

My Comment: I guess reports of him being on his "death bed" were .... hmmmm .... greatly exaggerated.

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