Record Concussions Among U.S. Troops

Better Tests Find Record Concussions Among U.S. Troops -- USA Today

Improved battlefield diagnosis has led to a record number of concussions detected among U.S. troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq last year, with an average of 16 inflicted each day last spring, according to newly released Pentagon figures.

It was the highest pace for traumatic brain injuries of any period in 10 years of combat, according to data provided to USA TODAY. Brain injuries caused by the concussive force of a nearby blast are among the most commons wounds troops suffer.

American casualties in Afghanistan this spring are already ticking higher as the traditionally heavier summer fighting months approach, military statistics show.

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My Comment: The human body is just a "baggy filled with a red liquid". With this perspective it is easy to see how a war zone can easily cause harm and damage to soldiers who are exposed to the concussion effects of explosions.