How about blooming Hot Shots for a sign of spring?

We are quite a way from green day still, but little signs of spring are showing up around this country, one of which appeared today,
Wildfires are a big part of summer in Alaska, with years when more than a million acres burn. As a result fighting them is a full-time, if seasonal, job for a number of people.

In addition to fighting fires in Alaska, Hot Shot crews from here often are called to battle blazes in the Lower 48 states. There's a major state base for the crews near the airport I pass on the way into town.

Today in the field within that fenced-in compound a small group of people in yellow hard hats were receiving training from an instructor. (You are welcome, by the way. Notice the refusal to make the obvious metaphor about yellow flowers brightening a dull tan field.) A Hot Shot crew in training certainly means preparing for summer if not a natural sign of spring. It at least hints at the coming season.

They are recruiting now, too. Think you have what it takes to join the Alaska Fire Service Hot Shot crews? Take a look here.

The photo is of a wildfire taken off the state of Alaska's main fire web site.

And, if you are really interested, here are Alaska fire statistics dating back to the 1990 season.

As the old song goes: "it's coming by gum, you can feel it come..."

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