Popplet | Collect, curate and share your ideas, inspirations, and projects!
The "A week in the life" elementary Flat Classroom project is using Popplet to jumpstart collaboration in a "non threatening, risk free environment" according to Donna Roman at our book club meeting tonight. She says it is great to have low hurdles when you start.
Judges for the Flat Classroom® Project 12-1 Sought! - Flat Classrooms
How to sign up as a judge for Flat Classroom (or NetGened). Here are the instructions.
F.L.A.T.s with Tina Schmidt on collaboration in elementary school - Flat Classrooms
Monday, April 16th, 2012 8-9 pm Eastern.
More and more F.L.A.Ts are happening in our Flat Classrooms community. This week Tina Schmidt is talkign about collaboration ideas for the elementary classroom. You can keep up with these events on our Ning and join in. They are free and open to anyone. Join the conversation and get the recordings under past events.
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» Elearning and global competency #flatclass #globaled 04/16/2012