Today, I'm delighted to take part in a new feature dreamed up by the brilliant and conniving owner of YABooksCentral, M.G. Buehrlen. She is running an Author Appreciation Blog Tour every month or so where she lines up bloggers and other authors to surprise one special author with an avalanche of love one Wednesday morning.
This inaugural tour features Myra McEntire who, in addition to being one of my favorite authors (Seriously, folks. You thought HOURGLASS was good? Wait until you read TIMEPIECE. You will love it!) is also one of my closest friends.
So close, in fact, that she visited me in the hospital two years ago when I had emergency gall bladder surgery and faithfully tweeted all the things I said while I was flying high on pain killers and then brought me spaghetti the next night when I got home. Proof of true friendship, yo.
Here's proof of mine.
My Top 5 Reasons Why I Want Myra McEntire On My Side In An Apocalypse
1. Research: Let me tell you something you may not know about Myra. Girl does her RESEARCH. All caps. REEE-SEARCH. She buys non-fiction books for fun. And drools over them. And calls me to drool over them over the phone while I laugh and shake my head because if I bought a 500 page research book, I'd look at the pictures, read the captions, and then use it as a door stop.
But if an apocalypse happened, you can bet I'd want the girl with all the research on my side. She knows all kinds of weird stuff. And I do mean all kinds. I have no doubt that somewhere in that plethora of facts, she's got knowledge that would come in handy. And if none of it comes in handy, well ... her brain is probably bigger than mine. Zombies can tell.
Not that I'd throw her to the zombies and run for it. No. Never that. *eyes Myra*
2. She's Funny: Really. She has an excellent sense of comedic timing and she produces the kind of slapstick physical comedy that would make Jim Carey weep with envy.

AND she often does it without meaning to, which is even better. She's the first person I've met who can match me in the "You did WHAT in public??" category. Which is handy. Because a) I appreciate that when I'm with her, nothing I do seems abnormal to her and b) laughter is a powerful defense mechanism. If I'm in the middle of an apocalypse, I'm going to want some comic relief. Myra will have my back. The fact that I'll be doing something even more ridiculous right behind her is proof that we're a good team.
AND she often does it without meaning to, which is even better. She's the first person I've met who can match me in the "You did WHAT in public??" category. Which is handy. Because a) I appreciate that when I'm with her, nothing I do seems abnormal to her and b) laughter is a powerful defense mechanism. If I'm in the middle of an apocalypse, I'm going to want some comic relief. Myra will have my back. The fact that I'll be doing something even more ridiculous right behind her is proof that we're a good team.
3. Loyalty: Myra is loyal to her friends in the same way I am loyal to Captain Jack Sparrow and lemon bars. It doesn't matter what happens, she's got your back. If I'm in an apocalypse and it's fight time, I want Myra on my team. Heck, even if it isn't the apocalypse, I want Myra on my team. She'll go to bat for her friends with whatever she has handy. Frying pan. Blog post. Life-size Edward Cullen statue.
Which she totally DOES NOT own.
But which I would buy for her if I found one. After I slicked him down with Elmer's and dunked him in glitter.

4. Unconventional: Myra does thing her own way. It's one of her best qualities. The whole world can say "everyone should do life like THIS" and Myra will say "watch me do it like THAT." This is a valuable skill to have in an apocalypse because you can bet whatever nasty creature we're fighting will adapt to our usual strategies quickly. We need someone who can think outside the box. Myra is perfect for the job! Plus raising her two boys has given her a crash course in the whole "ANYTHING can be a weapon" life philosophy.
5. Dance Breaks: It's a well known fact that Myra takes dance breaks while she's writing. She says it helps kick start her brain and puts her in a better mood. She's also been known to say she's got a "stank face" she wears when she dances to hip hop. I can't help but think dance breaks would be an awesome component to any apocalyptic survival effort. For one, who doesn't love the idea of a bunch of armed apocalyptees breaking into choreographed hip hop dance moves? For another, I think we could all stand to learn how to wear a stank face. I bet Chuck Norris's stank face drops zombies before they even come out of the ground.
I bet Myra's does too.
So, there you have it! My top 5 reasons why I want Myra on my side in the event of an apocalypse. Want to see what other bloggers are saying about Myra today? Want to leave Myra some comments and show your love as well? There are links at the bottom of this post.
Want to participate on Twitter? Use the hashtag #authorlove
Want to get on board the awesome that is her Hourglass series?? Pre-order Timepiece now and grab your copy of Hourglass!
Participating Blogs: