Whale and dolphin watching in Antigua and Barbuda becomes more organized.

In October last year I was invited to attend a special whale watching conference in Panama. Unfortunately, some faction within our Government decided that the funding available from the conference shouldn't be used to send me. Anyway, another NGO provided funds for me to go. At the last moment, our little one decided he was not happy where he was and started trying to enter the world early. My wife was due to have our baby in November, but baby didn't want to wait. New plans had to be organized and I decided to buy a ticket for Adventure Antigua's best eco guide, Nicola Nash.
Nicola was happy to jump on a plane last minute and in no time was representing Antigua and Barbuda at this very important marine mammal conference.

She gathered so much info and made great contacts with other organizations from around the Caribbean and further. Together with the Antigua Conservation Society and The Environmental Awareness Group, Adventure Antigua has come up with a list of guidlines for people and tour operators here in Antigua that many come into contact with Dolphins and Whales.
(If you want to download a larger version click here
antigua whale and dolphin watching info
We will be on the radio today from 11am speaking about whale and dolphin watching as well as other aspects of this interesting topic. To hear us speaking on 91.1 fm click this link.  from 11 am Antigua time today. 
Wish us luck and call in if you can. 

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