By the rude bridge that arched the flood....
We've just returned from a short vacation in Boston. A lot of interesting historical sights to see, and so on, but not a lot of railfanning. And some of the interesting things we did see from the train went by too quickly to photograph.

Down in the Boston subway, on an unused stretch of track, there are two streetcars preserved in excellent condition, but hard to view very well.
One is a "Type 5" which I found impossible to snap, and the other is a PCC. But it's nice that they're on display.

And somewhat off-topic, on the way back we had a two-hour layover in Rensselaer, so we decided to walk over to Albany. And we found this WWII destroyer escort on display. Of course, it wasn't open for tours on a late Tuesday afternoon, but it appears to be well maintained. So that was interesting.
And we will quickly resume our regular programming.