U.S. And NATO Are Sounding Like The Soviet Union Did When They Made The Decision To Leave Afghanistan In 1988

Soviet troops leave Afghanistan in 1989. (Vitaly Armand/AFP/Getty Images)

Soviet Ghosts In Afghanistan -- DoD Buzz

Although ISAF commander Gen. John Allen this week is giving Congress the old gung-ho line about the war in Afghanistan, the bottom seems to have dropped out of public pessimism about it.

The Lexington Institute’s Dan Goure argues that the very scenario that war advocates mocked at the time of the invasion has come true — the U.S. is the Soviet Union, and even its leaders are beginning to sound alike:

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Update: Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan Provides Grim Lessons for the U.S. Exit -- Defpro

My Comment: I have lost count on how many times over the years I have quoted Russian officials in this blog who were critical of U.S./NATO efforts in Afghanistan .... calling U.S. efforts basically the same strategy that they had but without the heavy civilian death toll. Sighhh .... there are .... fortunately .... some differences, but it is still uncomfortable to be hearing the same thing after 25 years .... albeit by men in different uniforms.

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