1. The newspaper Le Monde has compared the Swiss SIERRE COACH CRASH to the DUTROUX affair.
(Le Monde associe le drame suisse à l'affaire Dutroux - 7sur7)

2. On 27 November 1995, Belgian police searched premises used by the Rajneesh - Osho cult (a cult linked to the CIA)
They were looking for Eric Mattheeussen, who had been accused of taking photographs of a traffic accident.
The police found many boxes.
"In these boxes ... we find hundreds of pictures of corpses of children, often in the most hideous poses.
"Many of the pictures have been made by himself; other pictures were made on order by other photographers. ...
"In several boxes we find child pornography. ... Hundreds of magazines. ... The lecture shows penetrations of often very young children by grown ups, and also some very unusual pedophile fantasies. ... newspaper clippings of prominent disappearances."
(De Demmink Doofpot Institute for the Study of Globalization and ...)

3. Beat Meier is Swiss.
"His name appears in the Dutroux police files."
"Scotland Yard detectives travelled to Switzerland to try to interview him in prison... Scotland Yard officers wanted to talk to him about a video they had obtained. This video featured a boy who was tied to a chair and horrifically tortured and abused by two masked men.
"Through great detective work Scotland Yard identified the boy, even though his face never appeared on the video. Fortunately the boy had survived his ordeal and he was tracked down to his home in Liverpool.The boy’s explanation was very revealing. Beat Meier had befriended his parents and suggested taking the boy back to Switzerland for a holiday..."
(4 2011-01-15 09:10 - Bende van Nijvel » Forum)

4. On 23 February 2012, it was reported that a Zurich based intellligence consulting firm, Arcanum Global, had hired Meir Dagan, a former boss of Mossad.
"Arcanum is honoured to have such a deeply qualified and well respected intelligence expert on its team," Ron Wahid, CEO of Arcanum parent, RJI Capital Company, said in a statement.
(The Local - Zurich intel firm hires ex-Mossad boss)

5. Reportedly, the banker Edmond Safra gave evidence to Swiss prosecutors about the theft of $4.8 billion of IMF money.
Safra died in suspicious circumstances in December 1999.
Safra had close connections to both the Russian and Eastern European Jewish mafias and to Mossad. Certain documents allege that Safra's bank was used by Mossad and Israeli Iran-Contra traffickers.
Safra fell out with the Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky just weeks before his death.
(ISGP - Belgian "Nebuleuse" tied to child abuse networks, Iran ...)