Sarkozy cosies up.

Reportedly, in the 1990s, Nicolas Sarkozy was involved in a deal with Pakistan involving large 'bribes'.

When Jacques Chirac came to power, 'he cancelled the Pakistani official's kickbacks'.

Certain people in Pakistan were unhappy.

In May 2002, a large bomb went off outside the Sheraton hotel in Karachi in Pakistan.

11 Frenchmen, and two Pakistanis were killed.

Karachi bombed bus 2002

The 11 Frenchmen were engineers working with Pakistan to design an Agosta 90B class submarine for the Pakistani Navy.

Al Qaeda was blamed.

This bombing was one of a series of terror attacks in Pakistan in 2002.

2002 Karachi bus bombing - Wikipedia

"French magistrates believe that the attack was orchestrated by Pakistani intelligence and military officials in retaliation for the failure of the French to pay them $33 million that had been previously agreed upon.[4]

"The resulting scandal has been dubbed 'Karachigate'."[5][6]

Harvey Weinstein, in an interview with France’s Le Figaro newspaper, is supporting Sarkozy’s reelection bid.

“Sarkozy has done a hell of a job,” he told Le Figaro. “When I see the other candidates in the presidential race, none of them holds a candle to him.”


KARACHI: Man acquitted in Frenchmen killing case
Timeline: The Karachi bombing and kickback allegations France 24.
Villepin backs 'Karachigate' claims against Sarkozy The Independent.
Submarines and subtext: Who's who in 'Karachigate'

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