I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! The weather was beautiful here yesterday and we had a wonderful afternoon with the girls at the playground. It was the first time we had really taken Lola and she loved it. I also got a few more projects finished up including painting an armoire. I haven't photographed it yet but hopefully will at some point this week. Anyway, I thought I would show you the coffee table that I painted last week. It really lightens up the room!
Here is a photo of the coffee table from this fall. You can't really tell in this photo but the top of it was all scratched up. I had things strategically placed on the top of it to hide all the damaged spots.
I also switched the rug and placed it going the other way. Before it was running in length from the sofa to the opposite wall.
And now the length goes from the chairs to the kitchen area. I have no idea why I didn't do that years ago. It's hard to tell in photos but it looks so much better! I nagged the boys (Jon, Jason and Jason's best friend Jake who was here visiting) for days to help me switch it but they were not interested at all in helping. I am pretty sure they categorized this as one of my "projects" that did not seem worth it. So, finally the other morning Lillie, Lola and I did it. Well, actually Lola wasn't a whole lot of help but Lillie is turning into quite the little helper. I was quite proud of the fact that the girls and I got all of the furniture off (the coffee table weighs a TON) and got the rug moved and then everything put back on again. Especially because I think it looks so much better now. However, Jon didn't even notice it after I changed it and tried to get him to guess what was different in the room when he got home from work was so I can see why the boys weren't too keen on moving it. I think I may be alone in thinking it made that much of a difference. Oh well! I do have to say, although he may not have noticed the rug change he does love the new look of the coffee table!
We often get e-mails asking if we have a TV and if so where is it? Well, yes, we most definitely do have a TV, and here is a picture of where it is. I never show this side of the wall because it is so boring but I have promised a few people I would try to take a picture of it next time I took photos of our family room so here it is. I really want to paint the TV console too but it will probably be a while before I get to that. I have several other projects ahead of that on my list.
And yes, one of the knobs is missing on the coffee table. I knew it was around somewhere and I finally found it last night in Lillie's closet. I have no idea how it ended up there but at least now I can put it back on!
I also wanted to introduce another new Reagan Pillow! This one is made from a summery plaid fabric and has a cream ruffle. It has just been fully stocked in our shop!
I hope you all have a wonderful Monday! I will be back tomorrow with a step by step on how I transformed the coffee table.