New Scientist: Mutant H5N1 Still Deadly



# 6191



Debora MacKenzie, writing for New Scientist, was one of the first journalists to report on Ron Fouchier’s experiments with a mutated form of H5N1 back in September of 2011, and quoted Fouchier as saying the virus `is transmitted as efficiently as seasonal flu.’

She also included in her lede: What's more, the virus is just as lethal despite the mutations.


And that was the story, widely reported by many media outlets, since the announcement at a Malta bird flu conference.

This week, however, during an ASM Biodefense panel discussion (see ASM BioDefense Meeting Video Now Online) we got a `kinder and gentler’ description of this mutated virus from Fouchier – one describing it as less than lethal (in ferrets), and `poorly transmitted’.


What, many of us have asked, is going on? 


Well, Debora MacKenzie is back with a follow up report today in New Scientist today, that attempts to reconcile the initial descriptions of this mutated virus with the new one delivered this week.



Mutant bird flu virus still as deadly as first thought

14:06 2 March 2012

Debora MacKenzie, consultant



If after watching the ASM video, and reading this report, you aren’t thoroughly confused, you obviously aren’t paying close enough attention.

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