This is exciting news -- we now have the opportunity to acquire a set of spare walkover seats of the right type for the 308 and 309. These are being offered to us by our friends at Mid-Continent, under basically the same terms as the North Shore seats we got last fall.
Six or seven of the seat frames in the 309 have parts of the end castings broken, so that the seat backs come out of their tracks when you try to walk them over. So we currently have several pairs of backs connected with cable ties to keep them from moving. It's embarrassing. If we can get complete frames, it will be easy to fix this situation.
When Mid-Continent acquired EJ&S #2, an ancient wooden combine, back in the early 60's, it had been in camp service and was missing its seats. For a while, it had been running in passenger service with people sitting on folding chairs. 
So MC bought all the seats from CA&E car #300 to equip it. Interurban seats are too narrow and not the right type, but they were available, and a big improvement over folding chairs. Now, however, they have the time and resources to do a more thorough restoration, so the seats seen here are surplus.
As usual, we need money. It will be $1500 for 15 complete seats, plus a couple hundred more for the transportation. Your generous donations to the 309 fund (R309) will help make this a reality. We hope to be able to make the move sometime in the next month or so. Please let us know if you can help. Thanks!

As usual, we need money. It will be $1500 for 15 complete seats, plus a couple hundred more for the transportation. Your generous donations to the 309 fund (R309) will help make this a reality. We hope to be able to make the move sometime in the next month or so. Please let us know if you can help. Thanks!