Monster Patch Tutorial

Tucker is one crazy little man.  Already at the ripe old age of four he started ripping holes into his jeans.  I hear Sears will replace jeans if they wear out before they grow out of them and that is something I want to look more into.  For now he already has a hole that needed patched.

This monster patch is perfect for him. He loves it! It was quick for me to fix (about 30 min) and I already had everything needed.
Materials Needed:
Red Fabric
White felt or Fleece Interfacing
Black Yarn
Pants with a hole

1 Cut out the red material into an oval about 3/4" larger than the hole on all sides.
 2 Iron on the interfacing.
 3 Cut teeth out of felt or fleece interfacing.  If using felt sew along the top of the teeth.  I used the interfacing and ironed it on.
 4 Pin mouth to the inside of the whole and sew it.  I used the machine and just went back and forth several times on the top and bottom to get a messy monster look.  It was actually kinda hard because the pant lets were pretty small.  Next time I might just hand sew it.
 5 Cut out eyes and put them in place.  I ironed on the interfacing but felt would be fine her too.
 6 Either hand sew or use a machine to put a big messy X over the eyes.
I got the idea here.  The blog is in Dutch.
Now you have your own monster pants!  Perfect for every little boy.

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