March 4, 2012

White Dog looked at YoYoMa. They both pushed their noses out of the dog door and listened. No howling winds. No stinging sand in the eyes. The door did not flap up and down on their heads from the gusts. They turned to look at the rest of us. "All's quiet. No winds!" A woo of joy went up from the White Dog Army and Steve reached for harnesses.

"If you can patiently wait in Pumpkin while we grocery shop, we'll stop on the Park on the way there." The White Ones lined up and dressed, then stood pressing against the front door waiting to go. It was a stampede to the van as no one wanted to be left behind.

At the Park White Dog, Still Another White Dog and Yet Another White Dog trotted briskly along as a troika (WD still is under leash penalty for her bolting act). The Other White Dog and Another White Dog after strolled together inspecting the greening and budding of our imminent Spring. All enjoyed a windless sunny stretch.

In the afternoon, Steve and I abandoned the White Ones for a matinee performance (a generous pre-birthday gift) of Cirque du Soleil's traveling Draglion Show. The WDA wondered why pups were not allowed at these events...especially Eskies who were bred to be Circus Dogs. I had no answer and later did not have the heart to tell them about the lucky service dog who DID get to watch in person.

The show featured Chinese acrobatic arts with the multidisciplinary approach of Cirque du Soleil. The show's name is derived from its two emblematic creatures: the dragon, symbolizing the East, and the lion, symbolizing the West.

Hoop DivingWhen we returned home and showed the WDA this link. They were impressed with the performers skills. White Dog could not, however, help but boast that such leaps and twists would be a no brainer for the WDA. "Really?" I arched my eyebrows. "What do you say we work this Spring and Summer on developing a circus act? I KNOW we could find audiences...maybe a chance to draw attention to our fight to end cancer?" The White Ones groaned at the work they suddenly saw materializing in their futures. "Can't we just look cute?"

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