Is Iran's Secret Nuclear Bomb Program A Lot Like Israel's?

The Iranian nuclear scientist who defected to the United States is thought to have worked on the Iran nuclear program at this suspected uranium-enrichment facility near Qom, Iran. DigitalGlobe/Handout/REUTERS

Iran's Secret Nuclear Development Looks A Lot Like Israel's -- Micah Zenko, The Atlantic

During an interview with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in March 2011, Piers Morgan posed a serious question:

Morgan: Do you have nuclear weapons?

Netanyahu: Well, we have a longstanding policy that we won't be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East, and that hasn't changed.

Morgan: So you don't have any?

Netanyahu: That's our policy. Not to be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East.

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My Comment: Nothing new in this analysis .... but .... I find the part where Egypt was considering a pre-emptive strike on Israel's Dimona nuclear reactor in 1967 (but decided at the last moment to not do it) most interesting and revealing. For that ... and that alone .... this article deserves a read.

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