She never misses a thing. And every-time I turn around...she's there.
She's interested in everything I do.
She's becoming a kitchen and office cat.
"Hi Deb...did ya miss me?"
and she always checks on her momma. Annie always looks like a sad sack but she's fine and happy, believe me.
After a good, long walk with Kane and then a second one by myself, (yep, doing 2 now a day)
I've been cleaning mostly and planning to move things to the deck.
In between cat-sitting , that is. No new clients this time; all regulars and lots of them.
I got to visit with 3 of my favorite tuxedo cats this morning.
This coming week it's
Tabby's, Tuxedo's & Torti's, OH MY!
And Toady called...he misses me already. I'll be caring for Helma, the German shepherd next week again. She's a magnificent dog, owned by a friend of the retired-guy. He actually sees her more than I do but I do love that dog. But I am Just Cats...she's an exception.
It's a gorgeous day.
and Mr. Ed is soaking it up.I have a question for all my readers. Do any of you live with a FIV positive cat? I would like to hear about your cat's diagnosis and how you care for the cat. Any advise for someone who's cat has been diagnosed with this would be appreciated.
hugs, Deb