Musings on Assessing Global Collaboration | The Global Classroom Project
Musings on Assessing Global Collaboration http://t.co/W8LLikUB #flatclass #globaled #edchat #ukedchat #edsg #edbrunei #ibpyp
Call for Submissions - The Classroom 2.0 Fifth Anniversary Book Project! - Classroom 2.0
Share your best practices in the classroom 2.0 book project. Global collaboration is worth talking about.
Flat Classroom Global Book Club: Monday's meeting and links to this past week
We have a weekly newsletter we've started sending through our book group with an overview of what is happening in the project. This is the same list as the book group.
Flat Classroom 15 - Flat Classroom Book
The Flat Classroom 15 challenges are those we use to help teachers who participate in our projects become successful global collaborators. We've used these 15 in our certification courses and are very pleased with the results. Do you want to join! Coming soon, a badge for completing these challenges -- you can be first!
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» Elearning and global competency #flatclass #globaled 03/19/2012