Earn free traffic with Web Traffic grill

Earn free traffic with Web Traffic grill


Web Traffic grill is the new website to help your sites to increase its traffic. How? Just submit your site, go to the Grill and start exchanging visits with another members of the community.

Manual traffic exchange

Once you submit your site, you can access to the grill. This is our fantastic traffic exchange system.
For each site you visit, you earn one point. Then we will send you one visit to your site per each point. This way we offer 1:1 traffic exchange ratio.

Absolutely free website directory

When you submit your site, we add it to our free website directory. If you want to check your site, go to the web directory section and select your category.

Website ranking

What if I told you that people can vote for your site?, Great! isn't it?. But, what if I told you the best sites will appear at our home page?.

Website Levels & Stars
Each web has two star levels. Rate level, and visits levels. The more visits you do and the more votes your site gets, the more levels you site grows up!
Remember this, each day your website looses the ten percent of the votes. So you have to try to get votes every day.
Tell the world your website is the best in our website directory.

Let's go, Submit your site now!

There's no time to waste, submit your site, start exchanging traffic and boost your website visits.
One tip: Add people as friend, submit comments and rates to other members websites and they will thank you by visiting your websites.

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