Ding, Ding!! Round Two!!

Well today brought about the next visit to the KAT Office. The day started off nice and sunny with just a hint of breeze, in the sunshine it actually felt quite warm, but the same couldn't be said about in the shade. It is also our 19th wedding anniversary, and how were we going to be spending it but at the KAT Office for the next round of red tape and frustration.

We had arranged to meet Nick in town at 1pm, but as we had a couple of bits and pieces to do we left early and had a leisurely lunch and wander round. During our wanderings we had a phone call from Stuart, he had only just got back online and found our message saying that today was the day for round two. As we were already in town he decided to give today a miss, but I have passed on Nick's details to him so he can arrange a convenient time for them both. At the appointed time we were waiting for Nick to arrive, and once he got there we set off on the next round of our 'adventure'.

After last time's abortive attempt, we thought that we were going to be fully prepared and take as much information as possible for the visit today. Our first port of call was the notaries office where we had a couple of declarations drawn up. The first was one for me to sign stating that I would support Net during her time in Bulgaria, and the second was for Net to sign stating that she owned property in Bulgaria and wouldn't claim off of the Bulgarian Social Security. These documents are exactly the same as those that they hold on record at the moment, the only things that have been changed are the dates. The Notary did point out that the spelling of Net's name on the company document is different to that on her Lichna Carta, so he advised me that it would save confusion if just I signed for anything to do with the company. Each declaration cost 20 Leva, but the advise was free. Nick also got some advise about my pension declaration that he had translated for us, but the Notary couldn't foresee there being any problems with either the English original or the Bulgarian translation. So quite relieved we left his office and continued towards the KAT office, I don't know if it was just me but it seemed as though there were more clouds about.

Prior to going into the KAT Office I went into a copy place and had copies made of everything, then hoping that it was a different woman working we entered the dreaded place. We compiled all of the information as per her list and Nick took it over to the window, with a sinking feeling we noticed that it was the same woman. She wasn't happy with the copies of the declarations that we had done at the Notary, she wanted the originals. So we swapped those over, then she wanted to see Net's passport so that was handed over, then she wanted to see our marriage licence. The licence she wasn't happy with as it is in English, what did she expect from an English marriage licence? She wanted it translated, which wasn't what we were told last week or any of the previous visits. Nick must have learnt from the previous visit as he enquired if the supervisor was available. That seemed to do the trick, maybe it could be translated at a later date. So before she changed her mind it was off to the small bank windows to pay the administration charges and get the important little receipt which was then submitted with all of the paperwork.

We were then informed to come back on Thursday and pick up Net's new Lichna Carta. Have we finished? Only Thursday will tell, but from start to finish today only took two hours, and that included picking Nick up and driving from here to there, and then dropping him off. Maybe she actually noticed that today is our anniversary, but one thing is certain, her attitude today was more helpful and less belligerent. So for anyone trying to use the VT KAT office in the next couple of days, sooner might be better than later. 

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