Corrie weekly awards: March 19 - 23

Diem Horribilus award: Sunita's day went from bad to worse to drunk to embarassing.

Funeral subterfuge award: Don't think the DI came to the funeral out of respect, he came to judge the mourners and see if anyone acts suspiciously. Carla, Maria and Michelle attending the funeral should tick that box. And where was Jenny, Frank's recent lover?

Pants on Fire award: Karl nicking money and pretending he needed it for the car. Audrey sneaking around seeing Lewis on the sly but gets the Busted Award, getting caught out. Brian pretended Max's place at school was already gone (Plonker).

Building Bridges award: Carla and Sally finding common ground and a bit of peace. That was the nicest scene of the week!

Fashion fun award: I like Sophie's tshirt. And shirts like that with glittery words seem popular now! Anna wears some as well.

Moral high ground award: Sunita and Amber both want apologies. They should both get them. Amber shouldn't have had the party and Sunita was too harsh with pent up resentments.

Living Large award: Tracy is living rent free because Steve pays the mortgage. Steve is also paying maintenance for his his WIFE (not ex-wife, mind you). Tracy is probably getting benefits as a single mother (except she's now married) and she's still scamming money off Steve. He's right. She should get a job.

Medical amnesia award: Audrey and Gail are drinking alcohol in the pub. So much for high blood pressure.

Self loathing award: Kevin's blaming himself for what happened to Sally. If he hadn't had the affair, they'd still be a family. Never mind what happened to Molly. Oh and, Rosie who? has anyone told Rosie about what happened to her mother? Nobody's even mentioned her let alone anything else.

Startlingly Obvious award: Tina admitted she fancied the pants off Tommy. Kylie finds out teaching is hard work.

You weren't supposed to find that award: Tommy found Tina's Pro and Con list about him.
Lines of the Week:
Sally to Carla about attending the funeral "It's a bit insensitive, isn't it?" Maria "Like you when you went to John Stape's funeral?" (Score one for Maria)
Kylie to Brian "You're trying to blind me with science!"
Anne "It was an accident. We had a row, a terrible row." (see? I said that all along, didn't I?)
Leanne "Go home, Peter, see if Cruella's cooked your tea"
Sunita to Dev "Have your own way as usual"
Audrey "I have spent my life denying myself pleasures" (not the Audrey I know)
Sunita "Let's just call it a day, shall we?" (And you've now got your old flat available to move back into!)
Tracy to Ken "It must be so nice being retired. No work to go to, pottering about all day" (Ironic, much?)
Gail "This is my mother you're conning with your oily gigilo ways!"

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