Eu esforço-me, juro que sim. No Verão fico deitadinha ao sol o dia todo e nada. Bem, confesso que com o medo de apanhar um escaldão chego a pôr um protetor de farmácia 50+ (tenho imenso medo de ficar vermelha) mas será que não podia ficar um bocadiinho morena? Só um bocadinho, vá lá.
I'm going to the beach today. I'm going to smear myself with suntan lotion to try getting a new colour. It's needless to say that it's a total failed attempt, because I never get tanned.
I try to, I swear. In the Summer, I stay all day at the beach and nothing. Well, I admit that I'm really afraid of getting a sunburn. Therefore, sometimes I put sunscreen lotion 50+ (I'm really afraid of turning red) but couldn't I get a liiittle tanned? Just a little bit, please.
Love, Mi