AASWOMEN for March 23rd, 2012

AAS Committee on the Status of Women
Issue of March 23, 2012
eds. Joan Schmelz, Caroline Simpson, and Michele Montgomery

This week's issues:

1. Women In Astronomy Blogspot

2. STATUS Doodle Poll Results

3. Dr. Abigail Stewart: Hard Science, Soft Skills talk

4. Notable Irish Scientist Annie Maunder-The Lady Computer

5. Enhance Your Career With Leadership Skills

6. Women in Aerospace Conference: June 1st

7. Job Opportunities

8. How to Submit to the AASWomen Newsletter

9. How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the AASWomen Newsletter

10. Access to Past Issues of the AASWomen Newsletter

1. Women In Astronomy Blogspot
From: Joan Schmelz [jschmelz_at_memphis.edu]

Thanks so much for your overwhelming response to last week's invitation to work with CSWA! It has already inspired an upgrade to our Women In Astronomy Blogspot.

We received enough interest in our request for guest bloggers that CSWA's Blogger-In-Chief, Hannah Jang-Condell, in conjunction with Laura Trouille and me, decided to open up a new blog rotation for guest bloggers. These blogs will be posted on Thursdays, and will run parallel to our normal Monday posts by CSWA members.

Our first guest blogger is Jessica Kirkpatrick. Jessica is a final-year graduate student at UC Berkeley. Her research involves studying quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. She is also actively involved with the Society for Women in the Physical Sciences at Berkeley.

Jessica's post on "Dealing with Rejection" in today's astronomy job market is here:


Please let Jessica know how much we appreciate her efforts by reading her post, spreading the word, and leaving a comment for all of us to consider.

Here's the guest-blogger lineup for the next few weeks:

29 Mar: Gender Roles and Infant/Toddler Care: Male and Female Professors on the Tenure Track, by Brian Morsony;

5 Apr: Why Sexism, Racism, and Other Forms of Oppression Must be Considered Together, by Nick Murphy; and

12 Apr: What YOU Can do to Promote Gender Equality in Astronomy, by Meredith Hughes.

If you would like to be a guest blogger at our Women In Astronomy Blogspot, please e-mail me at the address above.

Thanks to Dave Charbonneau, Laura Trouille, Jessica Kirkpatrick, and Meredith Hughes for inspiring this idea and to the many volunteer guest bloggers who are making it possible.

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2. STATUS Doodle Poll Results
From: Joan Schmelz [jschmelz_at_memphis.edu]

Last week you helped us track the readership of STATUS, CSWA's semi-annual magazine. We set up a poll at Doodle to address the following question:

Are you more/less/equally likely to read STATUS now that it is 100% electronic?

Over 100 people voted. The poll is still open and you can still vote here:


Here are the results (as of Thursday morning):

29 are more likely; 26 are less likely; and 55 are equally likely.

The decision to go 100% electronic was made by the AAS. All the AAS newsletters are now 100% electronic. It saves money (and trees!), and most of us agree that this is a good thing.

CSWA and the STATUS editorial staff were afraid, however, that we might be losing readers, and our survey confirms this. To the brave souls who admitted to being less likely to read an electronic version of STATUS - we don't want to lose you!

Given the AAS constraints and the fact the CSWA does not have a budget or the person-power to print and snail-mail paper copies, can anyone suggest a creative solution? How can we keep from losing our reliable paper-copy readers?

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3. Dr. Abigail Stewart: Hard Science, Soft Skills talk
From: CSWA Facebook page

Dr. Abigail Stewart will be talking Monday, March 26, from 2-4pm at STScI on "Addressing Unconscious Bias: Why and How." The talk may also be webcast live for those of us not in the area.


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4. Notable Irish Scientist Annie Maunder-The Lady Computer
From: Retweeted by AAS CSWA

In celebration of St. Patrick's Day, we at Under the Microscope are profiling Irish astronomer and mathematician Annie Maunder, the first woman elected to the Royal Astronomical Society.

See the article at http://www.underthemicroscope.com/blog/notable-irish-scientist-annie-maunder-the-lady-computer

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5. Enhance Your Career With Leadership Skills
From: Retweeted by AAS CSWA

"Scientists are called upon to show strong leadership all along the career ladder. Early on, they may need to steer decisions during group meetings, develop research collaborations, or organize student conferences. When the time comes, they're expected to become leaders in their labs and then in their fields, take charge of university courses, serve their institutions and professional organizations on committees and in leadership roles, and eventually, perhaps, lead a department or even a research institution."


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6. Women in Aerospace Conference: June 1st
From: Matthew Greenhouse [matthew.a.greenhouse_at_nasa.gov]


Aerospace 2012: Leading the Way is the theme of WIA's day-long conference on issues of importance to women and men in the aerospace industry worldwide. Coming to the Key Bridge Marriott on Friday, June 1, 2012, the conference agenda features morning sessions of special interest to women in aerospace and those who hire, mentor and promote them; a keynote luncheon; a series of afternoon sessions on topics of broad interest across the aerospace industry; and a networking reception.

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7. Job Opportunities

* NRAO: Assistant Director (AD, ALMA North American Operations). https://careers.nrao.edu ; click on Search Job Postings

* NRAO Postdoctoral Position, Green Bank https://careers.nrao.edu ; click on Search Job Postings

* Tenure-track faculty position at RIT Physics Department: Apply by March 31. http://careers.rit.edu search for IRC56099.

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8. How to Submit to the AASWOMEN newsletter

To submit an item to the AASWOMEN newsletter, including replies to topics, send email to aaswomen_at_aas.org

All material will be posted unless you tell us otherwise, including your email address.

Please remember to replace "_at_" in the e-mail address above.

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9. How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the AASWOMEN newsletter

Join AAS Women List by email:


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Please remember to replace "_at_" in the e-mail address above.

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10. Access to Past Issues


Each annual summary includes an index of topics covered.

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