Today Riggs is 10 weeks old. He is such a happy little bundle of love, we are so thrilled to have him in our lives! While we were on our trip to Seattle, a package came in the mail containing a special book that I made of his first 6 weeks.
I just love how it turned out! I'm so glad I took the time to make it (it took about three days to pick the photos and layout the pages exactly how I wanted them), especially since it only cost me about $7, which was mostly shipping. When I signed up for a baby registry at Babies R Us, I received a gift card for a $20 photo book from Snapfish. When I went online to make the book they were all 30% off so I was able to make a bigger book with more pages!
Today we recorded Riggs' footprints and hand prints for his baby journal. It went a lot better than I thought! He seemed to enjoy it, smiling the entire time {he has been especially smiley today, check out my 365 project to see some very cute pictures,
He has grown so much! The foot on the right is from when he was born, the foot on the left we did today. |
His handprint from birth on the left, and his handprint from today on the right. |
I think it looks like he is dancing in these pictures... |
But dancing must have worn him out, because five minutes later he was sound asleep :) |