WoW: Angel's Flight by Nalini Singh

Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. She has a linky widget at her site each week for your post and to make it easy to find posts by other people.

The purpose of the meme is to spotlight books that we are eagerly anticipating. It is fun to take a look at what others are waiting for.

I have noticed that it has expanded my wishlist and TBR mountain though. Be warned!

I am eagerly awaiting Angel's Flight by Nalini Singh. This is an anthology of novellas from her Guild Hunter series. It will be nice having all the stories in one book. I am really looking forward to reading Angel's Dance which is new for this anthology. I think I have read the other stories but reading them again will not be anything like a hardship.

This anthology will be published on Feb. 28. I pre-ordered my copy on Jan. 16.

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