On Monday the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction released the final report for 2011. These reports are mandated by law and must be delivered to Congress each quarter. The report covers the time period that marked 10 years since the US assault in October of 2001 and carries the tag line '10 years of reconstruction 2001-2011'.
Of particular interest is the fact that 61% of the money articulated for relief and reconstruction is actually spent on funding, arming and training government forces, private militias, and undercover units that operate along the border with Pakistan.
The report confirms that 98,933 U.S. forces remained in the country at year�s end.
It does not dwell on the Afghan government demands to disband the failed military-led Provisional Reconstruction Teams linking US military strategy with development and reconstruction, or the Afghan government demand that armed private security firms be disbanded.
Nevertheless, these are authoritative figures on what the US is actually spending resources on in Afghanistan. You can see from the chart above that all assistance for humanitarian relief will be eliminated in 2012.
The chart graphically shows the growing dependance on exclusive military priorities over the years.
For this year 88% will be military.
Simply appalling and immoral.
I added the percentages in brackets for the text below lifted from the report.
SIGAR � 2011 Final Report - Some Figures
As of December 31, 2011, the United States had appropriated nearly $85.54 billion for relief and reconstruction in Afghanistan since FY 2002. This total has been approximately allocated as follows:
� $52.14 billion for security (61%)
� $20.28 billion for governance and development (24%)
� $5.67 billion for counter-narcotics efforts (7%)
� $2.24 billion for humanitarian aid (3%)
� $5.20 billion for oversight and operations (6%)
US Troop Levels � 31 December 2012
According to U.S. Forces - Afghanistan (USFOR-A), 98,933 U.S. forces were serving in the country as of December 31, 2011.
� 71,742 to ISAF
� 2,780 to NTM-A/CSTC-A
� 14,565 to USFOR-A
� 9,846 to other assignments (CENTCOM)
Additional Resources:
Eisenhower Research Project | War Costs $4 Trillion
3 Cents on the Dollar