RAF Hero Returns Home

Flying squad: Derek Allen's squadren sits for an official photograph in a hanger in Essex, before being sent to France

RAF Hero's 8-Day War: Pilot Who Had Seven 'Kills', Was Shot Down And Died In A Blaze Of Glory, Is Finally Honoured -- Daily Mail

* Historian: 'Had he survived, he would have been one of the leading fighter aces of the Second World War'

He took to the skies above northern France as the Nazi Blitzkrieg was unleashed across Europe.

It was May 10, 1940, and at the controls of his Hurricane aircraft, young Flying Officer Derek Allen’s brief but heroic war had begun.

Eight days later, the 22-year-old Second World War fighter pilot was dead.

But in his short blaze of glory, the RAF ace was awarded a gallantry medal, shot down twice and credited with four outright and three shared enemy kills.

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My Comment
: Rest in peace.

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