- Delaying Iran's nuclear development by sometime between zero and five years.
- Proving that Israel and/or the US is willing to use force to protect itself/ally.
Okay, so we have the key benefit. Let's enumerate some of the costs:
- Higher oil prices because every good war (and the bad ones, too) cause oil prices to rise. Unless one is Russia or another oil exporter (Norway, Scotland, Nigeria ....), this is not a good thing.
- Iranian retaliation. Whether it means missiles flying everywhere (well, in the region, despite the warmongers' assertions, ICBM's are not in their inventory) or closing the Strait of Hormuz temporarily or funding even more terrorist groups, Iran has options even after they lose a few nuclear development sites.
- The US has re-antagonized a hunk of the world. Good times.
- The actual costs of the effort. Has anyone noticed the US has a deficit problem? Has anyone noticed that its military is mighty tired after exceeding the war cap for so many years?
- The Iranian regime is strengthened. Anyone who believes that bombing Iran will lead to more dissent has never watched WWII movies about the Blitz nor has paid attention to the US bombing of Japan, Vietnam and other places. This is not Serbia and this is not Libya.
I am sure I am forgetting some. One last question: what happens after the fighting ends?