I don't support daddy laptop shooter Tommy Jordan

Message to Tommy Jordan's daughter:  

Hannah, I can relate to how you might have felt. It must be heartbreaking to have your Dad see you as his adversary. 

It is frustrating when there is someone else who seems to be controlling and dictating everything you do. Like you, I wanted to be trusted and empowered to make and be responsible for my own decisions when I was a teen (and now!). When that is the case you can get credit for being your wonderful self rather than just acting because you're following someone else's orders.

A Mother or Father can parent by control OR by compassion and mutual respect. One of these will foster a loving relationship. The other, one of compliance and fear.

I wish you the best and hope you know there are many people who support you.

Sincerely, Lisa

Readers of this blog:
If you feel the same way, I welcome you to share words of support to Tommy Jodan's daughter at this link. If you disagree, there are many other places to share such sentiments. This blog and the group are not those places. Please respect the intent of each.

For further insight into this story via the sentiments of a blogger I respect and agree with, read this.

If you are unaware of the story you can watch the video below.

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