Much Of Northern Syria In 'Open Revolt' -- CNN
(CNN) -- Syrian security forces resumed their fierce shelling of opposition targets in Homs Thursday but appeared to be losing their tight grip in the northern region, CNN journalists said.
Government troops were stretched thin in their effort to control all fronts in the volatile country, while violence raged in the grass-roots anti-government uprising. The revolt has now entered its 12th month and the U.N. General Assembly prepared to take up a symbolic resolution condemning President Bashar al-Assad's brutal crackdown.
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More News On Syria's Civil War
Syria Live Blog -- Al Jazeera
Syria: China sends envoy to Damascus – Thursday 16 February -- The Guardian
Syria: Overview -- Yahoo News
Warzone Syria: Bombed-out buildings and tanks on the streets as Assad launches fresh round of assaults on his people -- Daily Mail
Syrian activists report new raids, arrests -- CBS/AP
Syrian troops 'kill 22' in protest hubs -- AFP
Syrian forces 'launch Deraa assault' -- Al Jazeera
Syrians attack Deraa following referendum offer -- Jerusalem Post/Reuters
Syrian opposition struggles to gain traction in Aleppo -- L.A. Times
Sunni Extremists May Be Aiding Al Qaeda’s Ambitions in Syria, Analysts Say -- New York Times
Syria's Neighbors Fear That Fighting Could Spread -- NPR
Syria to hold referendum on new constitution -- BBC
Assad sets Syria vote to end one party rule -- Yahoo News/AFP
Syrian President Sets February 26 Constitutional Referendum -- Voice of America
Assad calls for Syria vote, but steps up assault -- Yahoo News/AP
Syria parliament election 90 days after new constitution -- Yahoo News/Reuters
U.N. sees possible crimes against humanity in Syria -- Seattle Times/AP
Syrian Doctors Accuse Government of War Crimes -- Voice of America
U.N. head sees possible crimes against humanity in Syria -- Reuters
U.N. Chief Says Syria May Be Committing 'Crimes Against Humanity' -- NPR