Another great day in San Diego County

WELCOME to our newest Followers:

Sharon Wallace, who doesn't show a blog or any information. Thank you for following along with Katie and me, we're happy to have you along sharing our adventures.  Do you have a blog?  If so, let me know, and I'll check it out.  NOTE:  Donna commented with Sharon's blog address, which is The Odd EssayCheck it out, they have been full-timers since January 2001!  Thanks, Donna. :)

Also, Alaska Mary, who  does have a blog.  It's not an RV blog, but maybe Mary is thinking about Rving?  Whether or not you have RVing in your future, I'm happy to have you along with me and Katie on our travels in The Palms.

Welcome aboard to you both!  :)

We've had a mix of weather the last few days, some sun and some clouds and a little rain.  I love the sound of the rain on the roof.

 The bridge over the wash - on the way to the nearest lake. 

The sun is going down right behind those clouds.

Katie and I took some walks along the lake again.  It's so nice to be in a place that has good, interesting walking trails.  In Santee Lakes, dogs are only allowed in the RV camping area, but I think the best places to walk are at the other end of the park, the entrance area and the day use area.  One of these days I might drive down there and just sit for a while and watch the birds congregating in those areas.  Most of the interesting birds seem to be there. We have mostly ducks and coots in this lake by the RVs.

Mallards fishing.  Aren't his feathers pretty?

Kids fishing.
Mallards still fishing.

It's been a nice quiet weekend around The Palms.

From Me and Katie, have a nice Sunday evening, everyone!  :)

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