A face only mama loves & a big thank-you

I received a sweet award today
Thank you so much Sunny, Penelope, Gabriel, Lorelei, Larry & Ana for this lovely award. And of course, your mommy, too.
Please drop by this beautiful blog to meet all these gorgeous, and I mean GORGEOUS cats.
The rules to receiving this blog is to link back to my blog and then forward the award on to 3 deserving blogs.
I am asked to pick three blogs to pass this award on to (very hard to only choose three) so here goes...

1. Corner of Cat's Mindhttp://cornerofcatsmind.blogspot.com/. I love this blog for Catherine's creative posts and beautiful photographs. She also happens to be owned by one of the most handsome cats I have ever laid eyes on...Banjo.
2.Cabin & Cottage http://getcottage.blogspot.com/. Jacqueline has the most charming & captivating blog. It is one I go to everyday because it is full of beautiful photographs and lots of gorgeous dishes.
3.A Brit in Tennesseehttp://abritintn.blogspot.com/. Jo's blog was one of the first ones I started to follow back in 2010. I love cats (hi Oliver),  poetry and beautiful images and Jo's blog has it all.

Please take the time to visit these 3 amazing blogs. I know you will want to follow along so you don't miss even one of their future posts. They truly are All around wonderful blogs.

I have been very busy cat-sitting, German shepherd sitting & wild bird and squirrel feeding these last few weeks. I know very little about the types of birds I am seeing each day other than the Chickadee, Bluejay and Cardinal
 but this morning I did recognize this homely bunch before me.
I had a family of wild turkeys feasting at the feeder. When these birds stand straight up they are over 3 feet tall.
They are native to North America.
I could not and would not get close enough for a great photo but here is one off the web.
                                                                    Cute, huh!
Lord, give me a Chickadee any day.

hugs, Deb

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